
Looking for a nice sticker? Fear not! The Central Committee for the Production and Distribution of Nice Stickers and Propaganda has got you covered. Use them to link to this page and spread the good word of

88x31 - small resolution


To add this nice sticker to your nice page,
copy and paste the file on the appropiate HTML.


To add this nice moving! sticker to your nice page,
copy and paste the file on the appropiate HTML.

107x35 - mid. resolution


To add this nice sticker to your nice page,
copy and paste the file on the appropiate HTML.
more designs coming soon

Cool people down below

The obligatory shilling centre. Except these are notable people! Check them out.

hakureimu/ artist
moka/ pixel art, making game
loopies/ artist, programmer
gliscor/ artist

Sites that link here

A list of sites that link here. Thank you!

links page, last updated 2024.07.03
2021-2024 amapy