about me
My profile picture
amapy (amapycl)
chilean illustrator, currently working on a webcomic called between/poles
I draw whatever I feel like
twitter -> @amapycl

about this website
This is where I host my stuff for the most part , All in one place! Very convenient! This is a work in progress so while it is quite empty right now, it should be less and less so over the next few months. Just give me some time! And I'll make this look good and appealing.
I'll be moving this page (the about page...) and add actual stuff about me :) :D whenever I get an idea for a proper home page. I don't like the idea of having something about me on the forefront here, which is why I kept it brief (I couldnt present myself even if my life depended on it)
Remember, work in progress...

Here's a filler Mio for now.
Isn't she adorable?

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home last updated 2024.05.03
2021-2024 amapy