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▞ about me

!WARNING:handsome owner below ↓
My profile picture
amapy (amapycl)
chilean illustrator, currently working on a webcomic called between/poles pls read it.
I draw whatever I feel like at the moment. Did you know my favourite color is red? It's a very strong color, which is why I like it.
This is the part where I get to type out the stuff that I like. Ok, I'll get to that in a moment.
I like both looking at anime girls, and trying to draw them. That's what I like for the most part, but I draw other stuff too. I'm not actively interested in any games, which makes amapy the most miserable man on this planet.
twitter -> @amapycl
neocities -> /amapy

(this is infact, not me.)

about this website
This website is a personal project of mine to archive what I make, while learning some HTML and CSS in the process. It's been fun so far. Besides that, there's not that much technical information I could be giving out right now. Nonetheless, I'll be updating this as soon as I know what to type.
Please remember, this place is a constant Work In Progress.

Hope you enjoy your stay
isn't he so cute? he's got the happiest life here!

follow this site on

about me, last updated 2024.07.03
2021-2024 amapy